My services

When working with investor relations, I take aim at maximizing the owners’ loyalty to the company.

My clients hire me on individual projects, as a regular extra resource on periodic reporting or as a hired IR manager.

My services cover the following areas:

Investor Relations basic services


Advice on how the work with investor relations and financial communication should be organized. Assistance during interim reporting, as well as sparring and assistance when handling special situations.

Capital Markets Days and Capital Markets Updates


Advice and assistance in preparation for Capital Markets Days and smaller investor events.

When designing the structure of an investor presentation, I use the method described here.

IPO Communication


Assistance and advice related to forging strong investor relations, establishment of routines and formats for effective and efficient corporate communication, risk mitigation as well as safeguarding of the company's long-term interests, when the shareholder base expands, and the company receives more public attention.

When designing the structure of an investor presentation, I use the method described here.

Transaction support


Advice on risk mitigation and communication to ensure a successful transaction, as well as assistance during a period when the organization is put under pressure.



Materiality assessment and stakeholder dialogues covering all ESG topics. Assistance on sustainability reporting.

Issues management


Advice and assistance in dealing with various issues, such as conflicts, legal disputes, organizational changes, and other sudden or undesirable events, as well as challenging regulatory and political affairs.



Advice on how the work with financial communication, sustainabilityand public affairs should be organized in larger companies.